Thursday, May 15, 2008

For those unfamiliar with Craigslist rightwingers....

DailyKos fanmail

...Kos got a pretty good taste of it the other day when O'Reilly focused his fans in the Daily Kos.

Here's a sample:

You have gone too far with this liberal, fascist bullshit....sit down and SHUT UP and stop posting despicable stories to further your own ends. I am sick and tired of the radical left and I hope people like Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck can exert their influence to SHUT YOU DOWN!!!!! If you don't like America, get the fuck out!

It's funny he calls DK fascist bullshit and in the next breath says in caps to sit down and shut up like a good little fascist free speech hater.

Honestly after a while you just learn to ignore it.



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