Sunday, January 13, 2008

A dedicated Paulie posts in NYC Craigslist Politics

Earlier I written in the Passion of the Paulies about a nice blogpost by guy named Sultan Knish.

One of Paul's ardent supporters took offense to Sultan's blog. I copied his response in it's entirety below.

The Reverand said one thing that cracked me up:

"The term "Neo-Confederate" means "new Confederate" I am not a "new" Confederate rather I support the historical cause that the South fought for from 1861-65 and I support the legal claims that the Southern States have for independence."

I'm pretty sure the Reverand was born well after the birth, rise and fall of the Confederacy. In every sense of the word the Reverand is a new Confederate.

Like most screeds written by crazy people, there's a lot of ways to show where the good Reverand goes wrong. But the above was about the most cockamamie thing I've read yet.

Here's is the Reverand's original response post. He cross posted it on his blog. You can find that here:
Click here.



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