I don't understand where this dude is coming from. Even though the muck is flying around, I have never once here any liberal say "I hope Bush fails." For him to come out on TV and say he hopes Obama fails seems to be very low. If our president fails, we as a country fail because he is our most noticeable representative. We have to give this man the benefit of the doubt that he is genuine. We have to let his plan for America progress and see where it goes. And American who hopes he fails, should develop a loyalty for their country, and not a political party.
The Sarge-
Mr Bold adds-
Well for you to say "I have never once here any liberal say "I hope Bush fails." with all the liberals I know you've heard from, I'll take it.
I've never said "I hope Bush fails" either. Now I know I've said, "Bush is fucking up.", but that was a call for alarm. The Democratic Party worked with Bush and demonstrated a willingness to compromise that we have not seen at all from the Republicans.
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
Wanting your own president to fail has got to be some sign of serious mental illness. His failures affect the rest of us- so why would you wish for yourself to be doomed? insane.
I never wanted GWB to fail- I simply wanted the rest of America to NOTICE that he was failing and to DO SOMETHING about it BEFORE we were all doomed.
Rush only wants him to fail so he can say Told You So. He wants so desperately to be right that he welcomes doom.
"Rush only wants him to fail so he can say Told You So. He wants so desperately to be right that he welcomes doom."
That's exactly right. I totally agree.
His justification, which we need to address, is the old Conservative meme-"They did it too!" Conservatives always justify their most heinous behaviors by saying, "Well the libs wanted Bush to fail so what so wrong with what I said?" It's the ol' "both sides are guilty" BS we hear a lot from Conservatives. This is also one of the warning signs that a Conservative is about to employ a straw man-that is create a fictional liberal in their own mind. It makes it easier when a liberal that doesn't exist buttresses their point.
I bet if Obama gave Rush a couple of Vicodin or some Zanex he'd be his bestest buddy.
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