I checked the DKos poll and it's Obama 49-McCain 43. The Palin bounce is over as voters get better informed of her views. McCain still looks like a continuation of Bush policy which has led to record deficits and a failing economy.
And let's not discount Obama. He's swinging hard at McCain-
That's what someone who lives in reality sounds like on the campaign trail.
*This is my favorite version of this song. (This is #2.)*
What’s new with the many-headed Hydra of American collapse? Along with the multiple
plane crash...
1 week ago
Dems are gaining ground but Missouri still appears to be a red state. Is this a concern?
LOL yeah it is if one's intent is social engineering though wealth and income redistribution. lmao
and btw pick your poison on the polls because Rasmussen has Obama up by 1 over McCain (which is statisitcally insugnificant). This is nothing more than an Obama bounce after a tumultuous week of economic uncertainty on Wall Street--but short lived nonetheless when it comes to the mass of idiot voters we have in this country today.
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