I'm really starting to hate the Christmas musak. If I hear "Simply Having a Wonderful Christmastime" one more time, I'm going postal.
In other news...Obama is hiring the leading minds of the scientific community to handle guess what-science policy.
And don't forget, just because we won the last election, doesn't mean we stop shaming, mocking and deriding Conservatives. Let's remember they were pro Iraq quagmire, deniers of climate change, pro teaching creationism in science class and pro trickle down economics. Their ideas suck and they need to be continually reminded.
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
Re xmas songs, I heard The Cutest Xmas song on the local radio station this mornign (KDHX). I decided I was going to get it somehow, anyhow for my iPod because i want to sing and dance around to it with junior when he gets old enough to understand xmas. Well come to find out it was an SNL sketch with Horatio Sans, Chris Kattan and Tracy Morgan. So now I have to youtube it or something I guess. It was a really cute kinda rock kinda punk xmas song. maybe someone with youtube access could find it for me and post it this morning... (hint hint:)
Hmmm...can you remember the refrain?
BTW SNL doesn't allow youtube to grab their stuff. They have their own propreitary website that should allow embedding.
I'll look for it later.
I think it might be titled "I wish it was xmas today" or "I wish it was xmas every day". interesting about their own site. there are quite a few of SNL's sketches on hulu- I wonder whats up with that? licensing?
Hulu allows advertising so it generates revenue. So I think hulu is paying SNL something for the content.
Lorne Michaels is a whore.
I think that I have been extremely lucky this holiday season. I really hate the Christmas music (well, except for the Pearl Jam song, "Let me sleep (it's Christmastime)"), and I haven't had to listen to too much. I feel you though on wanting to go postal, Mr. Bold. When I worked retail, we HAD to listen to that crap all day long. It was unnerving after the first few days.
haha, i usually hate it too but I am really into it this year because I am pregnant. not sure how that correlates exactly except that i am on a pregnancy high and even christmas cant get me down.
Hey, at least you can ride that pregnancy high into Christmas. I am not feeling very Christmasy this year. A lot of my friends are feeling the same way. It's weird.
Yeah I'm not feeling very Christmasy either, truth be told. It's probably all the crappy economic news, the continuing occupation of Iraq and the fact the Georgie and Dick are still appearing on my tee-vee.
At least S. City's baby will be born into a better world.
Ah, but as far as Georgie and Dick are concerned, we are finally at the "less than a month" mark!!!
For me, it's all the sickness that is surrounding me right now. My mom's in the hospital (but she's going home tomorrow), and a good friend of mine might be admitted today for pneumonia because her immune system is already very weak.
I do agree, however, that S. City's baby is very fortunate to be born into a world without GW and company. :) That does give me some Christmas cheer.
I am sorry to hear about your mom and your friend, AMD. I definitely agree that these are not good times and I am certain everyone's lives will be better come Jan 20, 2009:)
So get this: Jan 26th is the Chinese New Year and next year is the year of the Ox. From Wiki "The Ox is the sign of prosperity through fortitude and hard work". I think Obama will be the perfect leader in the year of the Ox, and we know he will have plenty of hard work ahead of him. I wonder what Obama's Chinese astrological sign is...
Anyway, I was born under the sign of the Ox and so will my baby. I just figured that out last week and am pretty jazzed about it!
WOW! I just looked up Obama's bday and checked to see what his Chinese astrological sign is and would you believe:
This is so perfect!!!!!!!!!!!
SNL Holiday song/vid
Thanks, S. City. To update, mom's going home today, and my friend did not end up getting admitted, so it will be a wonderful Christmas after all. Whew.
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