Sunday, February 10, 2008

And like a meteor into the Sunset, the Ron Paul campaign is over...

Ron Paul is dropping the focus on his [going nowhere fast] presidential bid to buttress his Congressional seat:

"In an e-mail message sent to supporters Saturday, Paul said that while he will remain in the presidential race, he must place a priority on his congressional contest, where he faces Friendswood accountant Chris Peden."
Click here for the news

As they say in Hollywood-"So long Mee-stah, it was nice knowing ya'!"


George J. Dance said...

Ron Paul hasn’t dropped out. From the Daily Dose (the Paul campaign HQ blog):

This Candidate Doesn’t Quit
February 9th, 2008 by Dan McCarthy
A few news sources are misreporting Ron Paul’s e-mail from last night. The presidential campaign is not ending, not being suspended, and not even drawing down. It’s slimming down and ramping up — with over twenty states having already voted, we’ve shed staff, and we’re concentrating financial and organization resources on the remaining states. We’re going to the convention, and we’re fighting for every vote and every National Delegate along the way.

MrBold said...

Mr. Dance,

I've gotta ask. Why is Ron Paul still in it?

Ron Paul has already said he's not going to do a third party run. It's impossible for Ron Paul to win the Republican Nomination with the delegate counts going against him. What exactly is the point of his continuing to run, as you see it?

Thanks in advance for your response.

Anonymous said...

As I see it, his purpose all along has been to build a new generation of cadre - Republican party volunteers, local leaders, donors, and thinkers - committed to "liberty."

The next step would be to start electing these people into state legislatures and Congress. (Which could realistically begin in 2010, assuming as I do both that the cadre-building succeeds and that the Dems win the presidency this year.)

With luck, by the next election they will be a significant force in picking the next GOP president. In any case, the ideas and the message will survive.

From Paul's POV, it's always been about the message, not about him. In a few years he'll be retired or dead, and he doesn't want that message to die out with him. Which as I see it is what this campaign has been about.

MrBold said...

OK. So what exactly is Ron Paul's message in your point of view?

Anonymous said...

I'd say his message is basically libertarian, though what he's calling for in the campaign is really more a compromise: a libertarian federal government, with the question of state power left aside. I suppose it's fair to call it 'constitutionalism', since it's in tune with the original US constitution and the original intent.

MrBold said...

Ron Paul is for "Constitutionalism"?

Hmm, I heard he wants to limit the jurisdiction of the courts when it comes to hearing cases about violations of the Constitution in violation of the Constitution. He even wants to change the 14th Amendment by removing the birthright provision.

Ron Paul has always seemed to be more pro Article of Confederation than pro-Constitution.

MrBold said...

But I would agree with you Mr. Dance that Ron Paul's message is based on a reverence of the Constitution. I just don't think Ron Paul is any better about adhering to the Constitution as the next candidate.


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