Foreign Affairs-
Timeh-who's going to replace Putin?
HRC-the opposition was run out of the competition. This is a problem. They-Russia-are causing mischief and it is apparent. I have no doubt as president.
Timeh-I want names..
Timeh-do you know this guy?
BHO-proceeeds to go through the history of G Dub's looking into pooty's eyes.
We work with the international community. We don't have to work in isolation. The clinton admin deserve a lot of credit.
Timeh-is there any vote you'd want to take back...
HRC-I would not have voted the same on Iraq. I regret deeply that G Dub took us to war. This has to be about the future. We just talked about Russia, we could have gone around the world. We could talk about Hamas and Hezbollah. We could go on an entire program on what we will inherit from G Dub the Destructacon.
Timeh-you want your vote back?
Same question BHO.
BHO-teri schiavo, we adjournded and allowed Congress to interject themselves. I shouuld have stood on the floor and stopped that. So inaction. Sometimes that is as costly as action.
BHO-we have wrapped up 20 debates. One thing I am clear about that HRC has campaigned magnificently and she is an excellent public servant. We are both actually interested in delivering for the American people. When you here heartbreaking story after story. The people just want a little bit of a hand up. It is critical we change how we do business in D.C. We need to restore that sense in our public department.
BW-closing question. First BHO
What must HRC answer to most voters to prove worthiness as a nominee.
BHO-she would be worthy as a nomninee. I think I would be better.
Obama goes into bashing McCain.
BHO I don't think HRC needs to answer a quesiton to prove capability. I am better becasue I can bring the country together in an unique way. Across race, religion-I bring a bias in favor of opening up government.
BW-what question must BHO answer?
HRC-there is no doubt we both bring enormous energy. As I said last week it's been an honor, I'm going to do everything to win. This campaign is history making. I am running to be the first woman president-applause-
I feel either one of us would make history. The question I have been posing is "Who can change the country?" My experience gives me the insight to make the changes.
HRC-goes into anecdote of a family asking her for help.
BW-this will reair in telemundo! Andalay!
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
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