Obama "I've said she has a good health plan. 95% similiar plans. Hillary has been mailing inaccuracies about Obama. Mine is not a mandate. It's a mandate that everyone purchase health care. She would force in some fashion to purchase health care.
HRC has not mandated the things to make it affordable. Her campaign has constantly sent out bad stuff. We don't complain.
HRC-responds-we've gone back and forth. Provide health care for every person. His is a mandate---em
I'm agreeing here
We're not going to let insurance co. do cherry picking. In his mailing it's almost if the insurance companies wrote it. I've staked out a claim for universal health care.
Obamam-I believe in universal care as much as she. She claims that I don't. So for HRC to say that is not accurate. Anyone under my plan can obtain health care. It's been endorsed. We do more to reduce costs that any plan out there.
If we don't how she intends to enforce the mandate. People are being fined in MA over health care and people are worse off. That is a genuine difference. The insurance companies want a mandate. Can we make it affordable.
HRC-He requires parents to buy insurance for children. In fact it's like if we made Soc. Security voluntary. At the point of contact with various gov't agencies. Like a 401k. If we don't have universal health care.
Obama-I'm being filibustered here. I do provide a mandate for children because we have programs that are already affordable. HRC will penalize parents. If we make it affordable people purchase it. Medicare B is purchased.
HRC-20% who don't buy are 20 year olds who feel indestructable. If we don't have a plan to get there. You won't control costs.
BHO-They're all going to have coverage.
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
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