Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Buckwil'in' in the Buckeye-back from break

BHO -goes through his record in congress. Brings up record on veterans and military issues.

HRC-responds sounding calm. BW is moderating right now.

Brian Williams = good cop. Timeh = bad cop.

HRC-let's get back 55 billion dollars from Oil.

hell yeah! Go get our money!!!!

HRC-I get the same litany. People are working harder and feeling invisible.

BW-go to clip-BHO speech "she says she was co-president...she takes credit for the good and runs away from the bad.

HHO-she counts her first lady time as experience. I don't say that experience is not relevant. What i've said is that you can't take credit for good and run from the bad. You voted for legislation that you've said you hoped wouldn't pass.

BHO-It doesn't pass if you don't vote for it.

BHO is scoring some points on her record in Congress.



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