HRC is talking about NAFTA. David Gergen will tell you that I was skeptical about this. Since I've been in the Senate I've tried to ameliorate the effects.
Timeh goes to BHO-will you as Prez say to Canada. I would answer the same way as Clinton. I've been consistent about this. The Chicago Trib. their endorsement was inspite of my opposition to NAFTA. These can be beneficial. Amer. Worker is as productive as any in the world. We need to look at what is good in communities. As president I want to advocate on behalf of workers.
BHO sounds like he knows labor issues.
Tim Russert turns to BHO cites some positive numbers for Nafta. BHO-we've not looked out for ordinary workers. Invest in infrastructure, science, energy, green jobs, hire young people, all sorts of things. Those are plans I've put forward.
TR-you pledged HRC to create 5 mio jobs in over two years. You pledge 200K jobs in NY and you said "I might have been a little exhuberant."
HRC-no I was counting on Al Gore being president. Despite the difficulties I've worked very hard. I will have a lot more tools at my disposal. She runs to her husband's record on job growth. HRC-put solar panels on roof, biopanels, invest in training.
Take Germany-they created several 100K jobs. These are jobs to do in Youngstown and Cincinnatti and a committment to following though.
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
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