Looks like "At My Desk" is reading on "Boldly Liberal". This is a open post to say anything you want here. Chatbox will only post small comments, so if you have more to say do it here. Who you voting for "At My Desk"?
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
I am voting for Obama, hands down. The debate only reinforced that decision for me. While I don't think it was a "clear win" situation, I thought that Obama definitely had the edge by the end of the night, and I don't agree with McCain's plan to buy up all of the bad mortgages in the country and have the goverment refinance those mortgages. Aren't the Repubs supposed to support less government?
Did you notice after the debate the other night, McShame left real quick, Obama stuck around visiting with people in the audience. I thought that was a real good move.
He didn't even shake his hand at the end! That's just bad sportsmanship. Obama is going to change some minds if McCain keeps this up. Hopefully that's the case.
The McCain camp is telling all the red meat rethugs, that the last 72 hours of the run to Nov 4, they are going to really throw the trash at Obama.
That's all they have left, really. Mudslinging and misinformation. I just want to see more and more Rethugs backing away from McCain/Palin as he gets more unrealistic and she just gets, well, scarier. I did not realize that a woman alive in 2008 could be so backwards in her thinking.
LOL. You betcha. *wink*wink*
LMAO! *wink*wink*, indeed. You're so folksy! :P
My friends...we seeing the End of Times for the Republican party. Party faithful who are loyal will be raptured up to the state of Alaska. Once Alaska secceeds from the Union they will enter of state of oil enriched grace. The rest of us poor shlubs will just have to make due with President Obama, Senator Al Franken and a Democratic majority. Progressives will begin the ritual slaying of Blue Dog Democrats, while the saying of the name "Republican" will be akin to saying "Dead Rabbits" to Bill the Butcher (Gangs of New York).
In the end peace will reign or rain...or whatever Peace does.
I think you're right, Mr. Bold. If Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh won't even get behind McCain, then there is little hope for the Republican Party this time around, and maybe permanently. They are, after all, "The Voices of the Right". Those Repubs follow them like sheep.
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