At some points it's been ugly. Obama is unflappable. HRC is relentless.
re Wabah and the burgers comment.
Yeah I'm not feeling very good right now. It was a burger with feta cheese. I couldn't resist. With onion rings oo-la-la
CG-Final question-It is hard to see how either one of you on the basis of pledged delegates alone. Let's say you're in the convention in November how are you going to make point that you are the best?
HRC-We need a fighter in the white House. I'm going to make everyone feel like part of the american family again. I can only do it if people believe in me. I've spent a lifetime fighting for the people. So I will tell everyone who listens that I am ready to be the commander in chief. Wesley Clark loves me. I need your help. The peole in PA to get to those conversations. You know where I stand and you know I will fight for you.
BHO- When we started this campaign 7 months ago. Our economy was in shambles. And people lost faith, not only dems but independents. And there was a bet I was making ath the american didn't want spin but an honest conversation. We were going to enlist the people and people have responded. People who haven't participated in years are voting now. If we are going to deliver we need to form a new political coalition in this country.
CG-that concludes the debate.
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
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