...and feel free to post your own G Dub rant. I cross posted this on Craigslist's STL RNR page:
George Double U Bush is a cocain snorting buffoon, dry drunk, Connecticut Yankee pretending to be Texan, piece of rat excrement that couldn't find oil in Texas, WMD in Iraq or the drugs his daughters were hiding in their dresser drawers. He is a King Midas in reverse-everything he touches turns to shit.
He is the worst President in history. And that's not wild eyed crazy Liberals talking; that's the fucking historians. By every objective measure-quality of life, education, wage growth, inflation-his administration is a complete and total failure. Normal sane people say a new course is needed, but McShithead is going to run on this record promising more of the same.
The Republican brand is dog-shit. The RNC and the RCCC can't raise money. They're having trouble finding candidates to run for Congress in 2008. It's going to be a Democratic landslide in November, and you GOP fuckers can go back to being the whining victims of Libs like you evil lickspittles always do.
And it won't be a moment too soon for what's left of America.
Mr Bold™
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
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