Charlie Gibson questions:
Would you take a pledge now to take the other as a running mate whichever loses...why not?
BHO-this has been an extraordinary journey. I think highly of HRC's record. But it is premature to talk about VP when we're not sure who the nominee will be. In august we will come together. We are seeing people's economic status slip further and further behind. People are losing their jobs and McShame wants to continue the bush pulicies.
CG-in the constitution it says the 2nd vote winner is VP-
HRC-We will do everything we can to unite the party in supporting the nominee. The country is suffering from the Bush years and regardless of the differences they pale in comparison to McShame.. We will do everything necessary to unite.
CG- talking to San Franciscoans you said rural people are bitter and they cling to guns and religons
BHO-I've mangled statements before and will in the future. What I meant was that people are going through tough times, the point I was making was that when people feel like Washington is not listening, then politically people focus on things that are a constant like religion and become more centered around votes that involve guns and religion and wedge issues become prominent in our politics. And we never talk about the things people need relief on like jobs. . and that is what our campaign is aobut and if we get invovled and engaged we can change.
HRC-My father worked in a factory I don't think they would cling to religion in bad times. They don't cling to traditions. I can see why people would be offended by the remarks and it's important that we all respect each other and certainly the weeks we've spent criss crossing the country, people are resilient and positive and we will deliver....
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
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