CG-Today is the one year anniversary of VT. Let's talk about guns. Both of you have talked about strong gun control measures-like licensing and registration-OMG CG Those are strong measures. Owning a gun will be like owning a car! Wow what a bunch of fasicts these liberals are!
HRC-OUr cops are being outgunned by these military style weapons. I respect the rights of lawful gun owners but I beleive that the lawful gun owners want to keep those guns out of the hands of the wrong people.
CG-there's a law in D.C. that outlaws a shotgun, hand gun, bazooka is that fair?
BHO-people have a right to a gun. But that doesn't mean the state can't regulate that. There are two realities in this country. There is a tradition of gun ownership in this country, but there is also the reality of what is happening in Philly and Chicago.
CG-but do you favor the banning of handguns.
BO-that's not my handwriting. Look in Chicago we had 0 gun deaths. There are appropriate measures to control guns.
GS-you live in D.C. HRC do you favor the ban?
HRC-I support sensible regulation. A total ban with no exceptions wouldn't work. But I don't want to blow a whole into the municipalities. We have a different set of rules in NYC and different set of rules in NY state. I was for the the NYC rules.
GS-We talked about affirmative action, you said BHO that your daughter shouldn't get special treatment because she is affluent family.
BHO-I think we need to look at how we admitting people into college generally. Young white people who are poor who overcome great odds should be taken into acocunt. It can't be a quota system what we want to do is to make sure people who have been locked out of opportunity.
HRC-I think we have to have affirmative action generally, that is why I am strong supporter of head start and early education. We need to focus in on kids who need help. I am against predatory lending in college aid. We have a gap in income. Health care for everyone. Let's make an affirmative investment in our young peopl.e
Rapid fire questions...
CG-what's up with gas?
HRC-I met with truckers we are going to investigate gas prices. The admin is not using the tools they need. I believe there is market manipulation going on. I would quit putting oil in the strategic oil reserve. And we may have to do something about subsidizing. We should have a windfall profits tax on these profits and put it into the infrastructure. We are more on oil than we were on 9/11.
BHO-We talked about energy policy. Now some of the steps that HRC have outlined are true. We've got to investigate this. We've also got to reduce demand. We got a billion people in China and india who want gas. We got to our fuel efficiency standards up.
GS-you believe in using former prezes how would you use G Dub?
HRC-I would have to give some serious thought to that.
When G Dub tapped his father and mhy husband I thought it united the nation. When all presidents are together but that will take some careful thought.
BHO-I think having the advice and council of former prez is important. I think HW is better. I would probably ask him for advice. I don't think the dems have monopoly on good ideas. I think we've stopped listening to each other.
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
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