CG-You spoke about Jeremiah Wright. You cut him loose in 2004. And if you knew he got rough in sermons why didn't publically disasociate from him earlier.
OHB-I didn't know about the remarks that are played over and over on youtube. I specifically said that these are objectionable but what I also said was that the body of work was representative of its history...its charity. What I tried to do in my speech was speak to a broader context. There is anger it's expressed in the barbershop and at the church. But we can move beyond it. HRC says we have to connect with the campaign and that's what we've done. We are moving beyond those divisions.
CG-You said he would have not been my pastor-do you honestly believe 8,000 people should have walked out of that church.
HRC-That was personally for me Charlie, but I have to say for Wright to have given his first sermon after 9/11 and blamed USA for the attack. I have no reason to doubt there were a lot of good things the man had done.
OBH-absolutely these remarks were objectionable. but what I also should point out that Clinton's pastor talked about Wright and said he was extraordinary. I wasn't aware of all these statements but number 2 the church extends beyond that pastor. Unless we can bridge these divides we're not going to solve these problems...blacks, whites, young old.
GS-do you think Rev. Wright loves America as much as you do?
OHB-Look George if it's not this it will be something else. We know all kinds of attacks will be launched. I have confidence in the American people and when they see my track record I have absolute confidence they can rally behind my campaign and the notion that the American people are going to be distracted once again not by comments made by me but by someone who I disowned.
GS-but is he patriotic
OHB-he is a former marine.
HRC-I think questions about what he said when he said it there were so many variations on what the answer was. What we got to figure out is a way to overcome the divisiveness it is clear we have a choice about who we associate with and who we approve and I don't think it's just's's Hamas that wrote part of a bulletin OMG HILLARY YOU WHORE!
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
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