Waht a bout the sniper fire?
HRC-You're right on a couple of occasions I just said some things that weren't in keeping with the events..I apologized for it. Clearly I am proud to have gone. It was a warzone. Having represented the United states in so many settings it provides me with a unique advantage.
So I will either get more sleep tom but that happens.
GS-your campaign sends out emails everyday. Do you believe HRC has been truthful?
OHB-hemming and hawing-both of us are working to deliver a message to America. What is important that we don't get to distracted with gaffes. We have important issues, our foreign policies is a shambles. Income inequality not seen since the 1920s. For us to be obsessed about these errors. What our campaigns have been about is real reform and that is the job of the next potus.
CG-lady in PA-Do you believe in the American flag but all our service men where the flag why don't you?
CG-I noticed you put one on yesterday. It's something of a theme that could make you majorly vulnerable.
OHB I revere the American flag and I wouldn't run for President if I didn't revere this country. I am here because of this country. I could not help but love this oountry.
Talking about how we need to restore economic fairness. That's what I love about this country. I am absolutely confident. People will not be questioning my patriotism, they're going to be looking for answers.
On the pin yesterday. That was handed to me by a veteran. I never said I wouldn't were one.
GS-Socialist Ayers knows you.
BHO-this is what I am talking about. I don't that man personally. The man engaged in despicable acts when I was 8 years. I know Tom Coburn who once said it might be appropriate to kill people for abortions. Does that mean I need to disown them? Just because I know someone doesn't mean I agree with veiws.
HRC-He served with Ayers on 9/1l on a board. He said they were sorry that they hadn't done more. It is an issue people will be asking about I am thinking this will be an issue. So we know they're going to out there full force. I have a lot of baggage and people have rummaged through for years.
BHO-I don't think she would make the vetting process. Clinton pardoned 2 members of the weather underground -ha ha obama!!!!
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
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