Hey she finally got her own show on MSNBC! Keith Olbermann announced it today on DKos and on Countown. Hooray we have another progressive on the Tee-Vee.
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
oh, she is kinda hawt. who is she?
for a brief shining moment i am wishing i had cable.
I agree. There is something kind of sexy about her. And I'm not gay or bi! And I usually don't think the "boy" type girls are good-looking, but she has it going on!
i do- the "boy"ish type girl is soo my speed. Too bad so many of them are fat fat fat.
anyway, i google stalked her. she lives in NYC with her partner, Susan. Shes a 35 year old Aries. Yummmmm
and she also happens to look exactly like one of my exgirlfriends. (but obviously she is a lot smarter:)
I've been a fan of hers since I first heard her on AirAmerica back in 2004. She did "Unfiltered" with Liz Winstead and Chuck D and it was a funny show.
I realize she's kind of a butch lesbian but damn it...her mind is hot!
I think this opportunity for her is a good thing for the future of female and homosexual pundits.
she might have short hair but i cant classify her as butch- at least not until i see how she walks. butches have a certain swagger...
and still many of them insist they are NOT butch but "soft-butch" as if we need yet another category
dammit i am repeating myself again
Butches walk like they have a stick up their ass. My best friend is a very feminine lesbian, so I can make this call. Besides, I don't think she looks butch, she has some feminine features. I bet you she has a rockin' body. If I was going to be a lesbian, I would only have sex with Carmen Electra. Well, I'd have sex with her if I wasn't a lesbian.
Do you know when her show is going to air?
Sept 9th. It will start after the Republican convention is over.
She is so awesome. There's some great youtube footage of her taking down Buchanan. It was beautiful.
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