So many people are quick to anger these days because so many people are overweight and have high blood pressure. High blood pressure causes them to be jumpy and quicky to anger.
I am betting there is a correlation to the hateful posters on craigslist and obesity/high blood pressure.
Of course, stress also raises the blood pressure- and who isnt stressed out in this economy??- but you know what counteracts stress? A healthy diet and exercise- which also lowers your blood pressure and cures obesity. It also helps some mental problems such as depression!
If only people understood how important it is to eat right and excercise, there would be a lot less hate in this world.
Wow, that was deep.
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
Hmmm interesting theory. Al Franken once proposed something similiar in "Rush Limbaugh Is A Big Fat Idiot." when he corelated Rush's waist size with statements about various events in the Clinton presidency.
i had another deep thought over the weekend but lost it somewhere along the way. damn.
its high time for mobile boldy liberal!
i had another deep thought over the weekend but lost it somewhere along the way. damn.
its high time for mobile boldy liberal!
I agree with you completely, S. City. Stress I think can be linked to the number one killer. It causes high blood pressure, you smoke more, you eat more, and the toll it takes on your nerves and your heart pumping harder when you're pissed off.
Not to mention, exercise physically releases stress when your body releases endorphins when you elevate your heart rate the proper way.
My biggest thing when I get angry is to go take a jog, it makes me feel ten times better.
The problem is we have become a lazy society. Everything we have revolves around making things easier. Just look at the remote control for the television-that says it all!
I often wonder how many posters are actually that angry or depressed on R/R, or if they are just trying to get a rise out of other posters. I am always accused of being bitter and angry, but I am very much the opposite.
I end every single day with a kiss and hug to my children, a kiss an I love you and you made my day wonderful to my husband. Well, writing it down makes it sound corny, but that's the way it is. I think we should be thankful for what we have, not hateful for what we don't.
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