Here is my first web video featuring the Red Elvises singing "My Love Is Killing Me."
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
And there it is......
Good job dude.
It's a lot of work isn't it?
Yeah it is.
I think what got me over the hump this time was that I figured out how to add writing in between clips. Last time I was making slides on a different program and then importing.
Using the add title and caption tool allows me to pretty much insert quotes straight from the web.
So now I think I've graduated to youtube propagandist.
And I meant "propagandist" in a tongue in cheek way...
The thing that was most impressive to me, was the gif split on Rummy.
I've never seen that before.
Yeah first two minutes was the bomb. And then it sort meandered.
I figured that Rummy gif could be even funnier interspaced with the quote. There is a little film segment split function on I just cropped each segment.
nice work mr b. i couldve done without the nosepicking and the eyeballs but it is nicely done regardless:)
Watching that makes me feel like I am in the presents of greatness. I don't know how you guys create that stuff, but it amazes me. It really is a form of art. Sorry, but I'll have to stick with what I know, paintbrushes.
Anyway, fantastic video Mr. Bold. I like the dedication to the soldiers. It saddens me to think what they have to endure. Hopefully this war will end soon.
Very impressive.
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