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It's nice to see you here baby blue eyes.
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OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
Not biting.
No need to bite, not a joke. If you don't have an answer, thanks anyway.
hmm never heard of it. But pains might indicative of something else that may be worth checking out.
Any ideas for a poll question? It needs to have some snark and I'm drawing blanks.
My mom said it might be a kidney stone, but I know the pain my husband went through with those, and I don't think that's it. I didn't tell her about the rest of the story.
Anyway, could you just delete that whole post for me. Mr. Bold?
A poll question...hmm...
How about something about the future first ladies?
Surely you have already dug up some dirt on the beer queen, right?
For what it's worth Sunshine, I had a similar pain in my lower front too, it kind of went away for a couple months and I didn't think any more about it, well a few months later the pain moved to the lower back on the side, yes it was the dreded kidney stones. And let me tell you it was the worse pain I ever had in my life. The whole deal ambulance to hosp, catscan etc. Well they passed to the blatter and then my boys hurt for weeks passing them through my pee. I don't know if the symptoms are the same for women but you might keep that in mind.
Oh my god, I will be so PISSED! if it's that. The nurses told my husband that it is just as bad for women and it's worse than childbirth. I wonder if sex makes it go away, then. Because that's when it stops hurting.
Oh well, doesn't hurt now. On with the fun! I am having a few cocktails all by myself tonight-it helps me sleep better. I guess I'll play my game later by myself. It's ok for you to feel sorry for me, LOL!
I just posted on CL for you.
What is this pain about? i had a pinch in my lower left back yesterday- like where my kidneys are i guess. last nights lovin fixed it. Brown Chicken, Brown Cow!
ps bold- this is my favorite gif ever!
mr bold: i am not happy that your boy barack is playing games with us over his VP choice. that, in my opinion, is not a smart move and i think it will cost him some votes. tell him to cut the crap, will ya?
Re S. City,
about Obama's VP pick...he's just waiting until after the Olympics so he can get maximum press coverage. And besides we already know it's going to be Biden. = )
About the gif...yeah that's an oldy but goody. I remember I first used to described Bi-Polar Poet's posting style on CL. She would write those huge wall of words and this gif is what I pictured when I read it...or tried to read it.
me too re Katie- ooops, I mean bi-polar poet. I wonder what she's up to? I am betting about 350lbs.
oh snap that was not nice.
I never could figure out why they called her bi-polar poet.
I mean I got the bi-polar part but that crap she posted was definitely not poetry.
she called herself that. she was not only bipolar but also quite narciscistic
Man I wish I was around for the real early days of STL CL. I didn't start posting there until 2/14/2006 and I think STL got a board in 2004 (?).
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