Oh thank God! We have a GILF to look at during the next RNC convention-which could be possibly postponed by Hurricane Gustave. Seriously...they are talking about postponing the convention.
Back to the GILF!!! Sarah Palin, the Alaskan governor, friend to the Steven's clan that is under idictment, has corruption allegations of her own to fend off. But I think the McCain/Palin campaign is the first "Hot Chick with Douchebag" presidential ticket.
Enjoy the hotness...
HCwDBs picked it up too-
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
Cindy better keep a close eye on Johnny. For sure keep a close count on the viagra in the cabnet.
Good post.
One more thing, what does "GILF" stand for....
You know there's rumors on the internets that there are nudie pics of her floating around.
Obviously as soon as I find them I let you know.
re "what's a gilf?"
Seeing as how you're the second person to ask that, I'll give an answer.
It's a MILF that's been elected Govnernor. Get it now?
I was pretty shocked at first by this but now it seems to me as nothing more than a marketing campaign. McNasty is trying to capitalize on Hillary's pro-woman fanbase. I even almost fell for it, thinking to myself "Oh, a woman! I should vote for a woman because I'm a woman!"
Then i wised up to McNasty's game.
Tho I think this might win him the election. Those who hesitate to vote for a black man will certainly be swayed by her hotness. I'd like to think that black voters will show up in record numbers to vote for the big O- but I am not counting on it...
It's possible this could boost McCain's chances but I remain skeptical on that score. She is pretty raw having only been a mayor a town of approximately 9,000 people. She was elected govnernor in 2006 and has managed already to become embroiled in a scandal when she fired her brother in law from his state trooper job after a nasty divorce from her sister.
But this has become guaranteed a historic election, and I have to thank McCain for that much.
Well its also historic in that a black man (referred to as an "African American" tho my understanding is he was born in America) is running for Pres.
I really think this is going to come down to a black v. woman issue. The general American public is not educated enough in politics and quite honestly they just dont care. They will care about the naked pics and/or her and the divorce- just as they are so concerned about obama being a muslim and Obama/Biden being too close to Osama BinLaden *rolls eyes*
I never under-estimate the stupidity of the average American. Hopefully, those people wont vote. No one votes more than old people and I wonder what they are thinking...."a black man!" "a woman" "Oh my stars and garters!!!"
Most bigots I've known and/or met are also misogynists. I kind of think Palin could possibly turn off the racists who also hate women that otherwise would have gone with McCain. I don't think they'll even jump ship to Barr because Barr has already publically denounced the hate groups.
It's an interesting move though for the GOP and I think it's also a solid signal that the culture wars were won by those dirty fucking hippies who burning their bras and preaching the virtues of miscegenation. Hoo-ray!!!
oh sure, i agree with you about bigots also being misogynists but i think they dont hate hot chicks- at least not as much as black people. i could be wrong tho
it will be interesting tho fo sho
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