Its a dance along by my favorite band, Le Tigre.
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
Congratulations S. City on your first video. Does this mean you have your internet working at home...(hope so!)?
Yup that's what the means. S. City is back in business at home. I'm sure she will have more to say about it.
Could it be....
Is it true.....
S.City has home internet???
Posting YouTubes and all...
I do! I do! I spent all of Friday night updating my myspace page and Mr Bold turned me on to where I can watch free episodes of tv shows I have heard about but never got to watch (and Family Guy which I have seen since BF owns 2 full seasons)
It is awesome!
Yep....HuLu jams. I hook my computer to my home tv, and watch movies from HuLu through the TV via the computer. The blue tooth mouse helps me control the whole thing from the comfort of my recliner.
Yep home internets is the way.
i didnt see any movies on hulu. is that something you have to pay for?
Yeah they have movies, and they are free. Ther are not block buster type movies, but they have a big selection. When you are browsing through the movie section, I usually browse them though the alphabetical list, any movie title with a little film reel by it means it's the whole movie. No film reel by title means it's just clips.
sweet! I am going to watch a movie in bed tonight. i has the cramps:[
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