So, I dont think that multiple people are flagging you, Bold. My bunny post was only up for about 10 minutes tonight before it was flagged away (as was last nights post reRave my Boyfriend.) Someone- one sad, pathetic and lonely individual with too much time on their hands- has a flagging program. I havent posted in 6 months yet anything I post is gone immediately. Like I am So Sure that 10 random people actually flagged me. As if! Everyone loves bunnies:)
I suspect bi-polar poet. She was too obesessed with CL to just disappear. And i bet she hates you because youre so much smarter/wittier/cooler than she is...
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
Yeah I can tell the difference between honest community flagging and the autoflagger. Back when I was using the autoposter, I could actually watch the roboflagger work down a list of 40 posts on my account screen.
Censoring people who are expressing themselves free of charge on a public board like that is pretty low.
And pathetic considering how much time they waste on it! It really really blows my mind that someone would enjoy something like that. I mean, what kind of mental defect do you have to be to spend your FREE TIME on censoring people on the internet?
I guess all some people have is free time. Must be nice!
*rolls eyes*
She even took down my kind words to the person whose kitty died! What a deranged lunatic to take comfort from a grieving stranger!
btw, that 3rd comment was me. i was repeating myself again:)
That's cool. I don't know why blogger does that sometimes.
its totally me. it doesnt show up fast enough so i push the button again. i want my instant gratification is not instant enough for me sometimes:)
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