You know what to do...
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
I know I can find answers for this on the internet, but what do you guys do as a Paralegal?
I know stupid question...
I consider myself to be akin to a caddy.
I assemble documents for electronic filing with courts. I create and manage large document databases. I review documents looking for evidence to be used in depositions and trial. I run court errands. I track which documents are used as exhibits and try to keep the attorneys happy.
The lawyer I work for only writes the court docs, makes the argument in front of a judge and manages his correspondence.
i do everything from investigation in prep to file suit to actual trial. i do legal research, drafting of formal docs, filing/serving docs, doc review, manage document productions, prepare for depos, summarize transcripts- pretty much anything and everything they ask me to do.
It doesn't sound boring. The lawyers you guys work for, they have medical benifits for you?
How much vacation in a year?
Paid holidays?
I guess it's a salary position?
WOW! I get to chase screaming rugrats all day, do lots of laundry, prepare meals, and clean non-stop. This make me think your jobs sounds fun and interesting. Well, I'm stretching it a little. I love what I do, and I get to have a lot of fun, plus my kids are like watching stand-up comedy without the bad language (sometimes)
re wabah
Yeah I get medical and all that. Law firms generally take care of their staff. It's the temps they screw.
Now about what makes this so cool:
You remember that scene in Devil's Advocate where Keanu asks why the devil is a lawyer? And Pacino replies "Because lawyers are into everything!" and it's true.
I learn a new industry with every case.
Can't wait untill get my bills from the kidney stones. Im going to make a post here, on how much things cost at the hospital.
"The cost of good health"
Yeah that's great man..not great about the stones, but I'm glad you got a real scoop to deliver here.
We have a shitty insurance plan here at work, so I know Im going to be paying a lot.
My honey just spent a year trying to pass one that was 6mm in size. He finally passed it. Now he has three small ones left. They tried to get him to have that surgery and he refused. Good luck, Wabah...I know your pain, well hubby does.
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