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OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
The poster that's moniker is "BoldSuxCocksInHell"...I think is about ready to lose it! This shit is making me laugh hysterically. These people are actually getting peeved about the posts you are putting up.
I am starting to believe the majority of them don't have a lick of sense. Any idiot could recognize the posts you have posted over and over again, and just pass them up, duh!
Be happy for me, I'm going to a party tonight and have every intention of getting ripped...damn, that's twice in one week-I better knock it off!
I forgot to mention, Mr. Bold, the Aries in you is showing persistent!
WOO HOO! Wheres the party?
jk, i am staying in tonight and sewing something special for a fren and hanging with my boo before i jet for KC in the am...
re sunshine
This is day 7 of the flagging war.
I should start a chronicle or something.
So the plan if you all haven't figured it out to add 5 or 6 posts a day to my buddy aka roboflagger until that flagger is spending 20 minutes or longer flagging.
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