I heard thay just played in STL over the weekend, at Live at the levee.
The song, "LOW RIDER"
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
*bobbin head*
Dude, I was telling some one else over the weekend, that song always reminds me of the Cheech and Chong movie. Cheech is polishing up his primered car, while that song plays in the back round. He gets in, makes a u-turn, and drives across the street to score a bag of smoke. LOL, Oh man that was great.
I know exactly the Cheech and Chong scene you're talking about.
Another movie that pops into mind that uses that song is "Dazed and Confused"-which I think is probably the best review of high school life.
Dazed and Confused, was dead on. It was a amazing movie, as far as the real high school life for me.
dazed and confused is one of my all time favorite movies. what a classic. "i sure do love them redheads"
and I fell in love with Parker Posey the instant I saw it.
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