OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
so, what do you think is the deal with the Maplewood shooter? Supposedly he was an angry recluse and neighbors say a few days ago a stranger tried to kick his door in.
i always think when i hear of someone flipping out like this- esp a recluse- that it was a CL troll finally losing it. or maybe some other forum troll - but how else could this guy have met anyone if he never left his house, besides the internet?
clearly he pist someone off if someone tried to kick his door in...
ebay sale go bad??
You know it could be an online forum troll S. City. Did you hear about the guy who drove cross country to beat someone up they met online?
yeah my bet is some kind of internet deal gone bad. at first i thought it was a meth lab... i feel bad for the gunman's family. how embarrassing- they were estranged and hadnt talked in 10 years they said.
I think you are going to start seeing more of this weird-no explanation attempts at suicide, stand-offs, robberies, spousal executions, etc.
Between the heat, the gas prices, people losing jobs, the housing market (foreclosures), and the beginning of a's going to start driving people insane. Those that already border on being nuts could easily be pushed over the edge.
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