Here they are doing "Amber."
OK! SHOWTIME! As I do every year, here are my Oscar pics. Warning: I have
never been so unsure of my picks as I am now, so don’t bet the farm. OK,
I’m la...
4 days ago
Was that a Sunshine selection?
First...did you like it or hate it?
It was better than the Kiss vid.
I picked it.
I'm so sorry. I'm late. Actually I like 311. I have spent most of my night putting a Yenko stripe on my hubby's car. Anything that has to do with accuracy and design, he wants me to do. I also work on motors, but it is just fun for me!
Anyway, it's funny you mention it, because I was telling him I needed to come up with a featured artist. and at that very moment the song "Some Kind of Wonderful" came on the radio and he said to me, "this is definitely my song for you.". So if you could make this my song choice it would be great! Listen to the lyrics, they're very deep-and if you love a woman, you know really love a woman...they will make perfect sense to you!
P.S. Please excuse my grammar, Ive already drank a whole bottle of wine, and feeling a bit tipsy! Hmm, I think I should go visit the STL R&R board.
Yeah you're cocked and loaded Sunshine. Go get'em...
OK I got a clip of "Some kind of wonderful". I'll play it tomorrow.
Thank you, Mr. Bold. Now I have to visit some a$$holes, see you tomorrow, or on the other side!
311 is the first mainstream band i recall combining rock with rap. now its all the rage, esp with the kids in the burbs. i found them a little annoying personally but mostly because my annoying friend at the time listened to them non stop, bouncing around, bouncing around, bouncing around.
Faith nomore really wasn't a main stream band. but they were the first ones I knew to merge that style together.
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